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How To Get Rid Of Bees Safely

How To Get Rid Of Bees Safely

How To Get Rid Of Bees Safely

Bees play a vital role in an ecosystem – they produce honey and, most importantly, are excellent pollinators. While most honey bees may seem harmless when collecting honey, they sure can sting when disturbed or agitated. Bees nesting in your property (in the house, chimneys, on a tree branch, etc.) can, and do, present a risk, especially if/when disturbed. Unless you tolerate bees or are a beekeeper, it would be advisable not to encourage bees nesting on your property. Outlined below are a few tips on how to get rid of bees safely.

1. Smoke Them
This is one of the oldest yet effective ways of repelling and getting rid of bees without necessarily killing them. While a simple smoky fire from cardboards will do, dry citronella, peppermint, or eucalyptus leaves will be more efficient. You, however, should do this from a safe distance and ensure you are adequately covered before taking on them. This method is mostly recommended for bees nesting on a branch or in the chimney.

2. Use Moth Balls
Mothballs are effective bee repellants as well. They produce an unappealing smell to bees, causing them to fly away or seek shelter elsewhere. Simply hand the mothballs all around the house and the property as well. If possible, hang a couple near the bees’ nest at night when bees are most inactive. The smell from these balls should help repel and even deter bees from coming back to your property. Good quality mothballs can produce the fragrance for days, or even weeks, making the area unfavorable for bee populations. If your property has been attracting colonies of bees lately, placing moth balls strategically all over the property and house might help repel them.

3. Use Vinegar Solution
Vinegar provides a simple and easy way to repel and even get rid of bees from your property. It is, however, worth noting that vinegar will kill some (if not most) of the bees, a reason you might want to try other methods first. That said, mix equal amounts of vinegar and water in a spray-bottle and spray the solution in areas bees are more likely to perch on, such as plants in the garden. Next, wait until the bees are docile (at night), then spray the solution directly on the next. This method will come in handy if there are colonies nesting in your house, especially the attic or chimneys. Be sure to sweep and remove all dead bees in the morning after the rest have left.

4. Call A Professional
The best and guaranteed way of removing bees from your property is to have an expert do it. A professional beekeeper can help remove all the bees in your property (nesting ones) without putting anyone at risk. If this option isn’t viable at the moment, then your best bet is on a pest control expert. Pest control experts are professionally trained and have the right gear needed for the job, providing bee hive removal service. You can either have the bees relocated to a safe habitat or eliminated. This, however, depends on the level of infestation in your home.

Be sure to look into several pest removal companies before hiring one to help get rid of bees on your property. A simple search, verifying their license, and browsing through recent customer reviews and testimonials should help you make a more informed hire.

When to Call Pest Control for Bees

You don’t necessarily need to be scared if you see bees in your yard. Most types of bees aren’t aggressive, and they’ll only sting as a last resort. However, if you have a hive or a dangerous type of bee in your yard, you need pest control for bees.

The Risks of a Bee Infestation

Bees help the world in a number of ways. In addition to producing honey, they pollinate flowers and other types of plants. While bees are beneficial to the ecosystem, it can be dangerous to have bees on your property.

Some types of bees, like Africanized bees — often referred to as killer bees — are aggressive and territorial. While some bees will only sting as a last resort, these bees are likely to attack if someone gets too close to their hive. A few bee stings can be painful, but being stung by a swarm of bees could be deadly.

On top of that, it’s likely that the problem will get worse if you don’t call for help. Bee colonies can split, which can leave you with more bee hives on your property. Being close to hives is dangerous for children and pets.

Even if you’re not dealing with killer bees, it’s best to be cautious if you spot a bee hive on your property, especially if the hive is near your home. Don’t give bees the chance to invade your home. Deal with the concern as soon as you can.

Why You Need Professional Bee Removal Services

No matter what, you should never try to get rid of a hive on your own. Sometimes hives that look like they’re abandoned aren’t empty at all. There’s a high chance that bees will attack if you attempt to remove the hive.

On top of that, it can be hard to tell what you’re dealing with without the help of professionals. People often confuse bees and wasps, and you may not be able to identify the bees near your home unless you get close to the hive.

Professionals can take a look at the hive and find the safest way to remove it. The hive can be relocated so that the bees won’t return to your home. Your yard will also be inspected to make sure there aren’t hives in areas you can see.

What to Do If You Have a Hive Near Your Home

If you spot a hive in your yard, or if you’ve noticed a surge of bee activity on your property, you’ll want to make sure that everyone in your household stays away from the hive. You should keep children and pets inside until the problem is dealt with, and you may want to warn your neighbors as well.

From there, you’ll want to call a company that offers pest control for bees. A professional pest removal company will be able to find the best way to deal with the hive. Once the hive is taken care of, you’ll want to talk to the professional to find the best ways to prevent a bee infestation in the future.

What Do We Do About Africanized Killer Bees?

The idea of Africanized Honey Bees came from the right place. It was the idea that those bees from Africa would boost honey production in Brazil. They would be cross-bred with European Honey Bees that were in an apiary in order to boost honey production. The result was unfortunately a bee that was highly aggressive and territorial – to the extent that it was a danger to people. In 1990, the so-called ‘Killer Bees’ reached southern Texas and they began to exhibit their typical behavior which was simply to attack those who disturbed their nests.

Africanized Killer Bees will attack in enormous numbers. They react to threats incredibly quickly and will simply not give up when faced with a threat – they have been known to chase people for up to a quarter-mile and their stings, due in part to the huge numbers that attack, can be deadly. It is estimated that swarms have been responsible for up to 1000 deaths to date. By 1985 swarms of Killer Bees had reached the United States – and they are expected to spread rapidly.

The threat of these bees to human life is very real and those faced with a nest need to do something about it before they, or their loved ones and even pets are exposed to the highly aggressive nature of these bees.

To compound the problem of these bees, which can not be found in colonies across Utah, Georgia, and Louisiana is the fact that they are less selective about where they form colonies – when compared to the European honeybees. Any discarded tire, a crate, tree limb, or hole in the ground is enticing to the scouts of these bees – and soon that colony and the swarm will have made a home.

Removing Africanized Killer Bees is a job for specialists. For many homeowners, there is always the temptation to deal with any hive as a DIY project. The problem with Africanized Killer Bees is that, on the face of it, they resemble the honey bee that we are all familiar with. However, disturb that hive and things can go from bad to worse extremely quickly – and often with deadly consequences.

Professional bee removal services and exterminators are your best bet to deal with hives of any type. They can use pesticide-friendly methods of removing any threat to your family and pets. It is essential to know that Africanized bees are indistinguishable from normal honey bees – the difference is in their behavior. They will chase down threats and sting in huge numbers when they perceive a threat to the hive.

If you have taken the first step and bee-proofed your home by covering any sort of entry that the swarm might be attracted to you will have reduced the possibility of an infestation. However, when that hive has been established on your property it is always your best bet to call in professionals. These are bees that can expose you and your family to enormous harm – it is far better to err on the side of caution.

Looking For Bee Hive Removal Services?

Beehive removal is a term that is used to describe the action of resolving a bee problem. In fact, when people have unwanted bees on their properties, they usually look for pest control, beekeeping, or bee hive removal services in town to get rid of bees from their garden. There are different types of ways of performing bee removal. The service can be broken down into two main categories such as live bee removal and bee removal through elimination. This article provides information on the different types of bee hive removal services in the market today.

Live bee removal can be broken down into different other categories such as:

. Live bee removal without pesticides – Although most companies claim to remove bees alive, it doesn’t always mean the bees would survive after the removal process. These companies use shop vacs or vacuums that aren’t modified to be gentle to suck up the bees into the chamber of the vacuum. The problem with this method is most bees get injured while sucking up into the vacuum. Only a fraction of the bees will survive in this method. The entire colony can die off over time as a result of this method. Hence, it isn’t a humane method of removing bees from your property.

. Live bee removal – Catch and release – In this method, bees are removed alive in a humane manner. But they are not cared for or looked after afterward. Service providers that perform this method don’t have places to relocate the bees. They will remove the bees humanely but may dump them illegally in some other place.

. Live bee removal with relocation – This service is provided by companies that remove bees humanely and relocate them to a bee hive box. The bees aren’t illegally dumped in some other land in this method. The problem with this method is the bees are left alone after the relocation and not cared for afterward. Even though this type of bee removal is better than the previous methods, it isn’t the best way to remove bees from a property.

. Live bee removal with relocation and caretaking – This is the best form of humane bee removal method. The bees will be removed humanely and taken to an apiary, farm, or beekeeper for caretaking. The beekeeper will perform regular inspections to make sure the bees are in good health afterward. They will provide water and food if not available by nature.

Bee removal through elimination is quite different from live bee removal. In this type of method, the bees are eradicated from your property. This method involves the use of pesticides to ensure human safety in the removal process.

The type of bee removal method practiced by the service provider may mostly depend on the type of bee problem you are having. If the bees on your property can be removed alive, choosing a live bee removal service in the best and most humane method to get rid of bees.